Resident Information

New to town?

This information is provided to give you a brief update on services and regulations within the City of Good Thunder.


Utility Bills from the City of Good Thunder include water, sewer, refuse and recycling. They are sent out quarterly, around the first of January, April, July and October. Budget payments are available by paying 1/3 of bills by the 15th of each month.

Refuse & Recycling curbside pickup is Tuesday. LJP may be in town as early at 7:00 a.m. The carts themselves are free. 

The compost site is located east of town on Highway 10 on the north side of the road, just past the lagoons. Only garden material, leaves, and tree branches that are 4 inch in diameter or smaller may be taken to the compost facility.

Dogs must be licensed in Good Thunder. The license is free and you must provide proof of rabies vaccination for each animal each time they are vaccinated.

Building Permits are necessary for all outside structure changes. Please contact city hall before you begin any project to see if a permit is required. The City Council must approve all permits before projects begin.

Sump pumps - all sump pumps shall have a discharge pipe. Sump pumps must not discharge into the sanitary sewer at any time.

Solicitors - it is unlawful for any person without a city license to go door-to-door attempting to sell goods. Please contact the City Hall if a solicitor comes to your home without a license.

Snowmobile regulations - please check with city hall regarding use of snowmobiles within city limits.

Curfew for children between 13 and 17 years of age is 11p.m. Children ages 12 and under have a curfew of 9:00p.m. Please contact Blue Earth County Sheriff Department if you have any questions regarding curfew.

Snow Removal - snow and Ice must be removed from public sidewalks within 24 hours.

Weeds - no parcel of land shall have noxious weeds greater than a height of 8 inches

Junk Motor Vehicle - it is unlawful to park, store or leave a junk motor vehicle within the city, vehicles must have current license tags and be operational.



General Utilities of Good Thunder:

 Xcel Energy:  1-800-895-4999 for electricity

 Consolidated Communications:  387-1151 for telephone, DSL Internet service

 Northwest Natural Gas:  524-4103

 Post Office: 278-3212