The Good Thunder City Hall is located at

130 South Ewing Street
P.O. Box 97
Good Thunder, Minnesota 56037


Regular meetings of the Good Thunder City Council are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of the Good Thunder City Hall, 130 South Ewing Street, Good Thunder, Minnesota.

Good Thunder is a Statutory "A" City with a Weak Mayor-Council type of organization.  This is the most predominant form of Council organization in Minnesota.  Under this plan the Council as a whole performs the Council duties and all ultimate decision-making authority rests with the entire Council. 
There are 87 Counties, 855 Cities and 1,787 Townships in the State of Minnesota. 

Cities in Minnesota are classified by population for legislative purposes. 

First Class cities, are cities with a population over 100,000 population.  There are 3 First Class cities in Minnesota.

Second Class cities, are cities with a population between 20,001 and 100,000.  There are 43 Second Class cities in Minnesota.

Third Class cities, are cities with a population between 10,001 and 20,000.  There are 37 Third Class cities in Minnesota.

Fourth Class cities, are cities with a population of 10,000 or less.  There are 772 Fourth Class cities in Minnesota. 

Since Good Thunder has a population less than 10,000 it is designated a Fourth Class City.

Of the 772 Fourth Class cities in Minnesota, 505 have a population of less than 1,000.

As of the 2020 Census, the population of the City of Good Thunder was 564.


The City of Good Thunder observes legal holidays, and will be closed on the following days:

New Year's Day (January 1st)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (the 3rd Monday in January)

Presidents' Day (the 3rd Monday in February)

Memorial Day (the 4th Monday in May)

Juneteenth (June 19th) 

Independence Day (July 4th)

Labor Day (the 1st Monday in September)

Veterans' Day 

Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving (the 4th Thursday and following Friday in November)

Christmas Day (December 25th)